Charles Jenkins Shares Details Behind His New Release "Any Given Sunday"

After carrying the torch for 20 albums or more, the Rev. Clay Evans finally passed the baton to Charles Jenkins in 2010. At the mere age of 36 then, Jenkins and the Fellowship Chicago released "The Best of Both Worlds" in 2012. Scoring their first #1 record since 1996, Jenkins and his choir etched an indelible mark on the charts with the release of the magniloquent ballad "Awesome." The hit song led them to become recipients of five stellar awards. After all the overwhelming meteoric success, it is indeed a preposterous task for a follow-up project to match such a lofty standard set by "The Best of Both Worlds." Three years down the road, we are finally greeted with "Any Given Sunday."
Hallels: Pastor Charles thank you so much for your time. Recently you have been quoted of saying that the church needs to more active insupporting Gospel artists. How can the church do that?
Honored to share. Our culture is constantly and rapidly being shapedmainly by film, television, the internet, radio and music. I believethat God's goodness and ideas must be wrapped in these mediums toreach the masses who can only benefit and be blessed by these ideas.The body of Christ must look at supporting artists and efforts thatproject all of the virtues we can all appreciate. The support can bespiritual, moral, financial, relational, and physical. Many mainstreamartists are a products of a church that didn't know how too equip themor support them.
Hallels: What are some challenges of being a Gospel artist that the church needs to know?
It's an honor to carry the gospel through music. But amazingly I havelearned that the business, demands, the pace, the perils, theunhealthy expectations people place on you, the temptations, andpressures are the same as any other genre of music you are justcarrying a different message. It is a blessing and yet tougher in soways to be a gospel artist. The words of 1Peter 5:8 says it all.
Hallels: Congratulations on the release of your new album "Any Given Sunday." Tell us why did you name the album "Any Given Sunday"?
Thanks so much! "Any Given Sunday" brings listeners the blessings andgoodness of Sundayworship experiences to every single day of yourweek. This album brings the diverse soundtrack of Sunday to everydaylife, ranging from traditional gospel music, to praise and worship, tocontemporary, to urban gospel music bringing you so much joy whilealso helping you through seasons of pain. The record is a journey thatwill take you through a range of emotions hopefully leading you to awonderful place at each stop.
Hallels: Let's talk about the song "WAR" which is already a hit on radio. For our readers who may not have heard it yet, what's the song about?
Smiling! The song is a victory anthem, a fight song, an inspirationalprayer. Whether you are facing opposition, an obstacle, or anopportunity the words remind you to embrace God's courage, strength,and power. It reminds you to pursue victory with boldness andtenacity. The old prayer chant "I Plead The Blood" is a symbolicprayer of protection, provision, and power. We've heard so manytestimonies about the song. One lady who lost her twin sister told usWar is her theme song helping her to fight to live again after herloss. Others say its on repeat as they work out. Others say the songget's them ready to face whatever their day may bring. Additionally,my wife and I wrote a War Prayer Guide as a companion resourceavailable on iTunes for people fighting for victory in their life.
Hallels: You have some very notable guests on the album too. Can you tell us more about who sang with you on the record?
Any Given Sunday features dynamic performances from The LegendaryReverend Clay Evans, John P. Kee, Beverly Crawford, Byron Cage,Jonathan McReynolds and many others making for an amazing star-studdedsophomore release to followup the awesome success of The Best of BothWorlds.
Hallels: What are two songs on the album you are the proudest of?
Haha! That's hard. Each song comes from a special place and createsit's own moment and emotions. If I was forced to pick two they wouldprobably be "Just To Know Him" which is a celebration of the works ofJesus Christ, and War which I was going to originally give to anotherartist but I kept it and recorded at the behest of my church family(laughing). If I can break rank and also add Hide My From The Rain, itis an intimate orchestrated worship song written out of a depth ofpain and deep worship from Psalm 91.
Hallels: For our readers who would like to purchase "Any GivenSunday" or/and find out more about you, where can they go?
Any Given Sunday can be preordered on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play orCD Baby now or it is in Walmart, FYE, Best Buy, Target and ChristianBookstores and online everywhere March 17th. You can also learn moreabout our Any Given Sunday Tour at or follow ourjourney on Twitter @CharlesJenkins7, on Instagram @CharlesJenkins, orlike us on Facebook at Charles Jenkins and Fellowship Chicago. Alsoour new live video for War is on Youtube and Vevo.
Tags : charles jenkins and fellowship chicago charles jenkins gospel music charles jenkins charles jenkins interview charles jenkins hallels interview charles jenkins any given sunday charles jenkins news charles jenkins latest charles jenkins new album charles jenkins new album review
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