'Captain America 3': The Chapter Where Captain America Is Still Stuck In Dimension Z

"Captain America 3": The Chapter Where Captain America Is Still Stuck In Dimension Z
Captain America is still stuck in Dimension Z having no way out, while finding some kind of shelter with a group of natives. The third chapter in the series is somehow lackluster than the first two issues; but is still pretty interesting.
Every page that happens in Dimension Z is worth reading. Sadly, the scenes that happen in Steve Roger's past are very much less convincing, and this issue devotes a lot of its pages to young Steve living in New York. Once you are at the last few panels, forgiveness was given to all. This has a really amazing final page reveal and the next issue will not be available real soon.
Rick Remender put his focus with a structure in this story that relies greatly on flashbacks. In the first issue, this provided great outcomes, presenting a prevailing lesson from Steve's past playing out in this present life. The "Always stand up," was a remarkable part. The matching stories here do not actually work very well. Young Steve's go against a barbarian oppressor. The scene in the past did not look as if it holds much value. The story could, maybe, profit from more time in Dimension Z and a smaller amount of time in New York.
The art in "Captain America 3" has its highs and lows. Like the script, the mad science fiction thing is incredible and the NYC streets are not so cool. John Romita Jr. illustrates awesome mutants and monsters. Captain America looks cool. On the other hand, when he illustrates young kids fighting in an alley, it looks poorly done and unappealing. Lee Loughridge and Dean White make fantastic use of colours. This helps in giving two different worlds at very distinctive tones and feels. However Tomita's pencils did not rise to the occasion. Future issues should give more time for barbarians and mutants and very little on the bullies in the alley.
Although this may seem not as great as the past issues, this is still a solid series with high-quality action and impressive moments. The "Dimension Z" is packed with desperation and danger; and with each issue Steve got higher hopes of finding his way out.
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