Worship Leaders Colin and Paige Edge Chat About Heaven Breaking Worship

Colin & Paige Edge are worship leaders from the Dallas area. They have just released their worship album "Break Heaven Open." The album contains ten songs - fast, slow, and most everything in between -- written to service the church in her worship. We are honored to catch up with them for this Hallels' exclusive interview.
Hallels: Congratulations on the release of your worship album "Break Heaven Open." For our readers who may not be familiar, can you briefly tell us more about Colin and Paige Edge? How did you come to lead worship together?
Colin:Well, for starters, we both grew up in church, and we both grew up singing in church. Me here in Dallas at Covenant and Paige in her parent's church in Louisiana. Paige moved to Dallas for college and we met, sparks flew, etc. We actually never thought about or talked about singing together all throughout our dating/engagement. But shortly after we got married, an opportunity opened for us to lead worship at Covenant Church's campus in McKinney, and it just clicked. We were in the car one day, and I said "hey, I think we should make a worship record." It felt like a crazy idea but it all came so perfectly together - that's part of what has made this experience so much fun.
Hallels: How would you describe your sound? And who would you say are the artists or worship leaders that are influential to you?
Paige:That is one of the hardest questions for anyone - musician or not - to answer! Because we all love so many different kinds of music. To be honest, we listen to worship in the car/house, but we also listen to a lot of other stuff. It helps you expand musically. I'm a big fan of strong female writers/singers like Taylor Swift and Lights, to name a couple. Colin has been into a lot of "soulful" music in the past, including John Legend & stuff. But funny enough, we both share a love for oldies - the Beatles, Simon & Garfunkel, Fleetwood Mac, Stevie Wonder... the list goes on. On the worship front, we love Gungor, Bethel, and Bryan & Katie Torwalt.
Hallels: What are the goals you would like to accomplish with "Break Heaven Open"?
Colin:I'd love to see it spread into more households and churches, and do some traveling with it. But the beauty of worship music is that it's music for the church, by the church. A good majority of the songs on this album came from real moments of worship in our church. So if we never did anything with it besides releasing it to our congregation, I think it was worth all the effort. With that said, let's see what happens!
Hallels: One of my favorite songs on the album is the title cut "Break Heaven Open." What's the inspiration behind this song?
Colin:I had the initial thought for the phrase "break heaven open" right after we had finished a worship service, and I felt like there was something more. I felt there was a balloon of God's presence and favor hanging over us, and everything in me wanted to bust open that balloon! So I thought to myself "I wish we could just break heaven open." That gave me the idea, and I just kinda followed that path writing the rest of it.
Hallels: Being worship leaders, how would you define worship?
Paige:Worship means worth. It's all about what God is worth to you, and how you express that. We use music as an awesome way to remind us God's worth to us, but it's also expressed in our everyday actions, our words, and so much more...
Hallels: For our readers who would like to purchase your new album or learn more about you, where can they go?
We're on iTunes! Just search "Colin & Paige" or "Break Heaven Open." We're also both on twitter: @colinedge @pajedge and we're online at colinandpaige.com.
Tags : colin page colin edge colin and paige edge worship colin and paige edge break heaven open colin and paige edge interview colin and paige edge hallels interview the edge interview Hallels interview colin edge interview paige edge interview
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